Greasy Chain Charitable Trust

Helping all New Zealanders become fitter through cycling

Greasy Chain Charitable Trust

Helping all New Zealanders become fitter through cycling

Get Involved

I clearly remember how I got back into cycling.  I was 35 at the time and our thirteen year old son came home from school one day, wanting help to buy a second-hand road bike to take up cycling as a sport. Whilst I initially thought it might be a ‘flash in the pan’, he persisted and eventually developed into a very good cyclist. Being an interested parent, I thought I should try it out myself and so bought an old second (or third) hand bike to go training with him. I was hooked, and as they say, the ‘rest is history’ – Bob Selden.

We’re not privy to your story, but whatever the case, you’ve landed here which shows that you have an interest in cycling and promoting cycling.  And like all community groups, we need plenty of help and support to achieve our principles. So, thank you for your interest.

You can support the Trust in a number of ways . . .

Become a Greasy Chainer

For a small annual contribution, helps us run many of our events and activities. As a plus, Greasy Chainers also get some great deals and discounts from some of our supporting sponsors.

Find out more here


Join one of our committees that organise events such as the annual Gravel & Tar/Slicks & Stones, or a number of community activities such as Family Fun Rides, Retro Rides, Ride to Work Days, Ride to School Week, February National Cycling Month and so on.

Volunteer database

If you’re not into committees or do not have sufficient time, please register on our volunteer data base to offer assistance for a day or a few hours at one of our events.

Contact us

Send us your contact details so that we can add you to our communication database where we send out (infrequent) communications about important activities or events. We’ll only contact you when we have some important info, and of course you can unsubscribe at any time.


Provide financial assistance through sponsoring the Trust or one or more events. If you’re a business who is community minded and looking for a way to connect with your clients and potential like-minded clients, then the Trust can work with you to achieve your aims.

Find out more here

Become a board member

Becoming a board member of the Trust at our annual general Meeting (held around June very year).

Tell us your story

Tell us your story or latest bit of cycling news via our Facebook or Instagram pages – we do really need people like you to keep these sites active and interesting.


Become a Greasy Chainer
To keep the Greasy Chain Charitable Trust active, relevant and ongoing, we need your help, so please contribute in a way that suits you best – we’re open to all suggestions.